We believe SHE is PURE and TRUE LOVE and SHE is not meant to be feared.
The Queen of Heaven & Earth House Of Restoration, Inc. stand on the principles of "Speak Truth and Do Good." We re'cognize that in the NOW TIME, speaking truth to power and performing works of benevolence is a COURAGEOUS act that most are not willing to attempt; and, this is because of social constricts and fear of societal's exact retribution. No good deed goes unpunished, right?
We believe God is a SUPREME FEMI9 force. We believe that until SHe is re-stored as "The Way" there will be NO PEACE or LIFE on Earth. Only Death, destruction, and finally extinction.
We believe the continuity of Life beyond the Earth Plane.
We believe in Spirit communication and Spirit Cooperation.
We believe that the door to reformation is never closed to any human soul, either here or hereafter.
We believe that it is NEVER too late to choose Life.
Seek and ye shall find is the promise.
We believe Humans are 100% responsible for their Life and only we ourselves can save Humanity.
We VALUE ALL of Humanity as the SAME irrespective of the religion they have chosen to follow.
Our MISSION is the RESTORATION of MAAMA back in HER rightful place; for SHe is THE WAY.
We can believe what we choose; we are answerable for what choose to believe!
Working together towards spiritual self-actualization, attainment of inner peace, and higher consciousness following The Way of our Divine Mother.
Studying Truth that leads us back to the bosom of our Divine Mother, seeking to foster individual soul evolution through the application of metaphysical science.
Demonstrating our spiritual attainment through preaching/teaching, spiritual communion, and channeling Divine healing.
We see the Queen of Heaven & Earth House of Restoration, Inc. at the forefront of this New Sun Cycle as we:
Copyright © Queen of Heaven & Earth House of Restoration, Inc 2023