Our Offering 3

Weekly Communion

S.H.E.™ (Self-Healing Energy)

H.I.M.™ (Healing Is Majestic)


We welcome all people from all walks of life who want to connect with their spiritual selves. Weekly discourse focuses on all religious writings, pagan and heathen philosophies are regarded as well.    Our High Priestess offer Mayan Oracle readings (we are not involved in tarot).

Through our women's ministry S.H.E.™ (Self-Healing Energy) we offer a safe space for women that involves monthly group Spiritual Life coaching.  This group will also offer coaching in metaphysical parenting for Mothers.  S.H.E.™ also offers individual coaching sessions for women.  

The men's ministry H.I.M.™ (Healing Is Majestic) offers individual coaching for men.  Jesus was taught by his Mother Mary.  The Buddha was taught by his Mother Queen Maya.

All coaching sessions are considered on an individual basis at the sole discretion of the high priestess. 

Those who are seeking deeper understanding and a more fulfilling life may have access to truths we hold dear and resources to enhance their own Spiritual Evolution.

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